in Japanese

ACURE OPTICS TRAVERSE can be controlled with Sky-Watcher(R) SynScanPro application.

I checked communication between SynScanApp and Traverse, but there were many commands start with “:X”. “X” command is not yet on the document “Manual: Sky-Watcher Motor Controller Command Set“.
Therefore I can not control Traverse with what I did for AZ-GTi.

Moving Traverse’s motors is easy.

However, moving Traverse’s motor is really easy.
I analyzed communications for both axis, and every speed steps, and found that command is really simple.

Base Number is “12091.5”

The value for Sidereal Time speed (x1.0) is 12091.5, probably. x0.5 speed = 6046, x8 speed = 96732.
(I do not know why this number, because I do not know the protocol. However it does work for Traverse)

Command to set Motor Speed

The command to set motor speed is the format like following 21 text format.
(and CR code to finish commands after this)
Devide the format part by part.

“X”tended?RA/Horizontal Axis=1
DEC/Vertical Axis=2
Command to set speed?Speed Value

Command is “:X”, followed by Axis identifier “1” or “2”.
Then “02” must be extended command to set motor Speed.
Motor speed is 64 bit integer value in HEX format.
No check-sum.

For positive speed values, “Up” or “Right” button in SynScanApp, Speed value is following.

STEPx Sidereal SpeedSpeed Valuein Decimalx 12091.5

For negative speed value, “Down” or “Left” buttons in SynScanApp, value is negative value as following.
(in 64 bit Integer in HEX representation)

STEPx Sidereal SpeedSpeed Valuein Decimalx 12091.5

And, Motor Stop is simply set 0 in the same format.

STEPx Sidereal SpeedSpeed Valuein Decimalx 12091.5

Values above are from each speed step on SynScanApp. You can set other values.
Sor example, Solar speed or Luner speed
 Sidereal day 23:56:04.091 = 86164.091 (sec)
 Solar day 24:00:00.000 = 86400.00 (sec)
 Luner day 23:03:39.014 = 83019.014 (sec)

Solar Speed=12091.5 * 86164.091 / 86400.00 = 12058.49≒ 12058⇒ 0000000000002F1A
Luner Speed=12091.5 * 83019.014 / 86400.00 = 11618.34≒ 11618 ⇒ 0000000000002D62

how to get 64 bit integer HEX representation?

If you are using Windows 11, you can use Calculator app.
Set Calculator app in Programmer mode
Click DEC (Decimal) and input decimal value, for example “-12092”, then you see “FFFF FFFF FFFF D0C4” in HEX part.
Click HEX will show HEX value, then copy it by “Ctrl+C”

Let’s move TRAVERSE

Traverse can be connected Wifi(UDP communication), Bluetooth, or USB(Serial communication).
Let’s try with USB.
Connect PC and Traverse with USB-A–USB-C cable. Traverse does work with USB-powered from PC!

I use “TeraTerm”, but any Serial terminal works.
Connecting USB cable, there should be new COM port detected, so connect it. Baud rate does not matter because it is USB-Serial. Make sure “new line” code is CR.

Send “:X10200000000009399F3”. RA axis move at x800 Speed.
Send “:X102FFFFFFFFFF6C660D”. RA axis move at x800 Speed in opposite direction. It automatically decelerate, stop, and accelerate, so you need only set new speed.
Send “:X1020000000000000000”. RA axis stop.

Send “:X20200000000009399F3. DEC axis move at x800 Speed.
Send “:X202FFFFFFFFFF6C660D. DEC axis move at x800 Speed in opposite direction.
Send “:X2020000000000000000. DEC axis stop.

In conclusion, you can change orange part, then you can control Traverse.

This can make Traverse into time-lapse mount, or whatever you like, even not for telescope.

Mounting bracket for Stepper motor [28BYJ48]

Japanese 日本語

28BJY-48 is very popular and cheap stepper motor, and used for many micro computer DIY with Arduino, Raspberry-pi. It also often sold with small motor driver board.

I want to make telescope focuser, so I made a metal bracket to fix the motor to other metal parts.

Point 1.
I made holes for PCB spacer for “ドライバー基盤付で購入したときについてくる基盤「”X113647 Stepper Motor Driver Board” which is very common to be sold with.

Point 2.
For generic purpose, I made M5 thread x1, M4 threads x2, and 4mm slot.

Point 3.
I made M4 thread on the same position as some major product, so the third party item may be able to use for this bracket. I can not guarantee, though.

I made some extra, and put on eBay.

wifi SD Watch

“wifi SD Watch” is the Windows Application to download JPG image files from WiFi-equipped SD card

I wrote this application to use “Live Stack” of Sharpcap Pro with DSL Camera that is not ASCOM compatible.

To do so, following plan is worked

  1. Take photos intervalley, with WiFi-equipped SD Card
  2. Download image to Windows PC automatically <= this is what this App does
  3. Use “Folder Monitor Virtual Camera” of SharpCap(Pro), and LiveStack

Source code and installer

published on github as OpenSOurce(MIT license). There if Installer Fules here.

Note: This installer cause Security Warning because code-signing is Self-declaration-certificate

Compatible wifi-SD cards

Following two Wifi-SD are compatible for this App.
1. ezShare wifi SD adapter (Model: ES-WiFiSD-ADP)
This is adopter type, so you need to prepare micro-SD card.
※Caution: SD-Card type (not adapter type) is NOT compatible for this APP.
This adapter is available in market.
Please not this card become IP address “” that is same IP as Sky-Watcher’s mount.
2.TOSHIBA FlashAir
This product has been discontinued. It might be available in second-hand market with very high price.

How to Use

  1. Select ezShare or FlashAir
  2. Select download Folder
  3. Press START button

 4. Before start downloading, you will be asked if you delete all files in download folder.
(it is necessary if you use SharpCapPro’s “Folder Monitor Camera” for LiveStack)

 5. Downloading does not start until “OK” is pressed.
(If you use SharpCapPro’s “Folder Monitor Camera” for LiveStack, you need to Start/Restart LiveStack)

Downloading process rules

  1. It watch WiFi folders on every 0.5 second
  2. If there is new file found, download it.
  3. Only the one latest file is downloaded when watching.
    Even if there is more than two new files those are not in local folder, it only download latest one.
  • The definition of “the latest file”
    Digital camera has strict naming rule for folders and files.
    Folders: Folder name are “NNN*****”, where NNN is from 000 to 999
    Files :File names are “****NNNN.JPG”, where NNNN is from 0000 to 9999
    The “latest file” is the largest number file in the largest number folder.

 4. It only downloads JPG file. If you save both raw data and JPG file, only JPG file will be downloaded.